
The former Super Minister invites to Schloss Solitude for a political tour de force

Intro: The former Super Minister invites to Schloss Solitude for a political tour de force

Wolfgang Clement division one

"I have the freedom of age to be able to talk about whatever I want to – and I will do so."

With these words Wolfgang Clement begins his lecture in the impressive setting of Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart. The four organizers Bethmann Bank, DDIM, division one and Kloepfel Consulting invited 120 exclusive guests from business and politics to the Spring Reception. The reception was held as part of the regularly scheduled regional DDIM meeting in Baden-Württemberg.

Learn more in a report by Klaus Wieschemeyer / Schwäbische Zeitung (available only in German)

(Source: Schwäbische Zeitung/ 14.03.2015 / from Klaus Wieschemeyer)

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