
Interim Managers – Sought-after Nomads

Intro: Interim Managers – Sought-after Nomads

Interim Manager - Gefragte Nomaden

The interim manager is a special kind of person who enjoys moving from project to project, constantly asserting himself/herself. Those interested in this profession should have an entrepreneurial mindset and should, furthermore, possess characteristics such as decisiveness, readiness to assume risk and a constant interest in facing up to new challenges.   Most   of   division one’s candidates are interim managers with many years of experience on the executive level. They are usually in their fourties to early sixties. Interim managers are as stress resistant and as much on the move as nomads.   Interim management is a way of life. Taking this path is a deliberate decision against an occupational career.

Source: personalmagazin / 01-2017 / from Björn Knothe)

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