
Temporary deployment

Intro: Temporary deployment

temporary deployment

Generally, Interim Managers fill in when things become precarious in a company. That makes the job exciting but also imponderable.

Most recently, Willy von Becker was deployed at EHT. The machine tool manufacturer headquartered in Teningen in the Baden region was deep into a crisis. A "tricky case," he says. "For years, the company had been in the restructuring process as well as in the red." In August, Becker began to work there. Three months later, the company was reorganized and sold to the laser specialist Trumpf from Ditzingen.

Such fire-fighting operations are the norm. "The deployment usually begins immediately and will almost never take place at the place of residence," says Björn Knothe, CEO of the Stuttgart Manager Placement firm division one. "Interim Management is a philosophy of life. Most of them no longer want a line career." Continue reading (available only in German).

©SZ 16.05.2015 / Annika Graf, Peter Lessmann, dpa


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