
In demand: Temporary Managers

Intro: In demand: Temporary Managers

temporary manager

The German Press Agency (dpa) reported in its article "In demand: Temporary Managers" about the current market forecast of the parent company Deutsches Interim Management Association (DDIM), which predicts a growth in earnings in the amount of ten percent in 2015. According to the DDIM industry survey, the market volume will rise to 1.5 billion Euros by the end of the year. In 2014, this figure was 1.35 billion Euros. The number of Interim Managers that are placed on first or second management levels will rise to 7,500 in 2015, an increase of more than seven percent compared to the previous year. The DDIM also has placed two entrepreneurs, who hire Interim Managers, with the dpa. Interim Management provider division one, an associate partner of DDIM, essentially supported the assignment.

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