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Board Members

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The increasing professionalization and specialization at management levels also extends to supervisory bodies. Medium-sized and large companies are now paying greater attention to qualifications and competence rather than personal knowledge or reputation when selecting advisory and supervisory board members. The important function of this body as a control authority and strategic partner is thus strengthened, which secures competitive advantages nationally and internationally.

Secure strategic advantages and economic success

Supervisory and advisory boards are more than just symbolic bodies. If they are properly staffed, they become valuable strategic partners who critically examine, because they are independent, and wisely advise, because they allow more foresight to flow into entrepreneurial decisions.

Here, too, quality standards are now high and competition for the brightest minds is fierce. These are rare and difficult to find, especially because they should not be filled from the company's personal network due to the necessary independence from the company's management.

What also makes the search for suitable candidates more difficult is the question of how their competence can best be assessed and to what extent they identify with the values of the company for which they will be working.

Selected top candidates for your advisory board and supervisory board positions

Whereas advisory boards are appointed voluntarily, the appointment of supervisory boards is required by law for numerous companies such as stock corporations, medium-sized family businesses and portfolio companies of financial investors as well as family offices. Nevertheless, both boards have comparable tasks and the same demands on the competence of their members.

division one finds and places experienced and qualified candidates for your supervisory or advisory board. For this purpose, we comprehensively clarify your needs and create a detailed requirements profile, which serves us as a basis for the subsequent research. Suitable candidates are identified via our international network of experts and with the help of our workflow-based process deep5S®.

Arrange your first meeting now!

deep5S®: Finding and retaining top managers

The success of an advisory or supervisory board member is difficult to measure. Baden-Württemberg's former Minister President Günther H. Oettinger put it this way in an interview with division one: "A supervisory board is not cast in numbers." This makes it all the more challenging to define and identify suitable candidates and to bind them to your organization in the long term.

With deep5S® (division one Evidenced Executive Search Process), division one has the right tool to approach this task in a targeted and structured way and to complete it successfully in a short time.


More information about deep5S®


With one.visionary.board, we present you with a high-quality information platform on the topics of supervisory boards and advisory boards - with interviews, discussion and Q&A sessions, and additional material. Use our member area and secure your free access to all previous and upcoming one.visionary.board contributions. These include the following exciting interviews:

  • with Günther H. Oettinger, former Minister President of Baden-Württemberg and EU Commissioner, on "How important is a supervisory board/advisory board for a company?"
  • with Daniela Weber-Rey, business lawyer and member of supervisory boards/boards of directors, on the topic of "Corporate governance in change and the future"
  • with Gabriele Sons, member of non-executive and executive boards with responsibility for human resources, on the topic of "More human resources competence in supervisory boards - modern human resource tools also in supervisory boards?"
  • with Walter Döring, former Deputy Minister President and Minister of Economic Affairs of the State of Baden-Württemberg, on the topic of "Advisory boards in family-managed companies
  • with Christine Wolff, management consultant from Hamburg, on the topic of "Ways into the supervisory board".

The interviews each last about 1 hour and take place monthly. We hope you enjoy them and have some excellent "aha" moments!

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Competent partners for the staffing of your control boards

division one bundles the placement expertise of decades in the areas of executive search and board members and provides you with two top-level consultants in CEO Björn Knothe and Director Nicolaus von Heyden-Linden. Both are also certified by the Advisory Board-BW for advisory boards. They successfully support medium-sized to large companies from the upper middle class as well as DAX companies.

Björn Knothe

As the CEO of division one, Björn Knothe has more than 20 years of experience in the recruitment business. During this time, he has acquired not only outstanding know-how in the staffing of specialists and executives, but also a great deal of expertise and a large national and global network of experts, which ensures a decisive competitive edge for your search for candidates. At division one, Mr. Knothe established the Board Members and Non-Executive Directors division immediately after its founding and has been managing it with great success ever since.

Nicolaus von Heyden-Linden

Nicolaus von Heyden-Linden is a specialist in the appointment of supervisory and advisory boards. With a focus on family businesses and upper medium-sized companies, he has been successfully demonstrating his placement expertise here for more than 12 years. In addition, he supervises numerous formats such as one.visionary.board (OVB) or the interview series "NACHGEFRAGT" on the topic of advisory boards with Rudolf X. Ruter, with which Mr. von Heyden-Linden shapes and shapes the professional discourse in his field beyond national borders.

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