
Intro: Outplacement

One Next Step

Top executives are equally rare and sought after. They enjoy an outstanding reputation, hold a high level of responsibility, and receive a world-class salary. Their challenge is not only to consistently perform at the top of their game, but also to achieve the best possible accord with their private life.

The good news is: such leadership personalities are rarely born, but rather go through a continuous evolutionary process of professional and personal development. They gain experience and know-how over decades through learning by doing, acquiring theoretical and practical knowledge, and practicing continuous self-reflection. In addition, they seek competent support to help them define their goals and achieve them more quickly.

With division one's one.excellence.leader program, your professional reorientation or next career step is within reach. We analyse your status quo in detail, work with you to develop and create your individual leadership profile and the corresponding Executive Map, and provide support to you for up to one year in all the steps necessary to advance to the next higher leadership function in your defined focus area. Moreover you will also benefit from the opportunities offered by our exclusive global client network.

Holistic Advisory Model

Personality - Privacy - Career

Lasting success requires a strong foundation. This consists of holistic thinking, planning and acting on the following 3 levels:

  • Personality: Your character, personality & mindset
  • Privacy: The interaction between yourself & your environment
  • Career: Your thoughts & actions as a leadership personality

By evaluating and realizing the possibilities of each of these levels and their optimal interaction, lies the potential, which not only opens up unique career opportunities, but also allows for a harmonious and balanced lifestyle. In this way, longstanding success can be secured and enjoyed over the long run, and the path between peak achievements is as fulfilling as the achievement itself.

The Key to Bliss

Inspiration, Passion, new Perspective

Top leaders are valued and often admired. Yet they are usually no happier or more fulfilled than other personalities. This is often the case, because they have followed predetermined paths and made compromises that, in long-term, are contrary to their personal needs and desires. We see time and again, that the awareness of the needs and desires of a harmonious professional and personal life often has to be meticulously compiled, in order to ensure a continuous flow in a new professional role over the long term.

Leadership Guidance

Leadership Guidance is a goal-oriented consulting service for executives who are thinking about career change or development. Through individualized coaching and strategic counselling, Leadership Guidance helps executives build a foundation for far-reaching professional and personal decisions.


It's time for change, time for the next step in your career, but does this lead? What is the best career choice for an executive and their immediate environment?

We want to answer questions like these together with the executives. Our orientation counselling focuses on the executive, their individual wishes and needs. We take the time to thoroughly analyse the personal and professional baseline.

On this basis, we support the executive in developing clearly defined goals. His professional and personal skills as well as his previous successes are our starting point. In doing so, we never lose sight of the private environment, because a sustainable career decision always affects the overall picture.

Our many years of experience in successfully filling management positions opens up new perspectives. Together, we develop options that help you make sustainable and well-founded decisions for the next steps in your professional future.

Assessment of current situation and professional goals

Analysis of the current situation | inclusion of the private environment | successes, achievements and experiences in the professional career

Analysis of strengths and weakness with self-assessment and external assessment

Personal framework conditions and ideal working environment | Consolidation of professional objectives | Recommendations on labour market trends | Permanent employment versus self-employment as an interim manager | Qualification analysis and sharpening of the qualification profile


Joint check of CV, short or consultant profile to actuality and validity | individual preparation for a successful interview | comprehensive check of all application documents to ensure that they are consistent, attractive and complete


Specific analysis of the labor market | Action plan for next steps

Networking, Coaching & Support

Strengthening of one’s own network and check of suitable mandates at division one | Job vacancy search (placement service/job scouting)

The one.excellence.leader program offers you tangiable perspectives increases your inner satisfication in the long-term and at the same time puts the development of your career on a well-founded basis

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Individual Approach

We focus on you as a person and individual with your private, personal and professional interests.

One Face to the Manager

Your personal consultant is on an equal professional footing with you, acts as your sparring partner and accompanies you step by step through the recruitment and application process.

Holistic perspective

We work with you to identify your underlying growth potential and the obstacles that are holding you back in the long-term and find individual solutions for both aspects.

Structured advisory model

We follow clear guidelines in our counselling, use mature processes and well-established diagnostic tools. By doing so, we ensure that all success factors are optimally illuminated and cultivated.

Suitable growth impulses

We get to know you and your environment comprehensively, analyse your current situation as well as your individual development options and show you exactly the possibilities and paths that will enable you to take the "one next step".

Competent Support

Once your Executive Profile and Executive Map have been created, we provide you with competent and discreet support over a period of up to 12 months.

Top Career Placement

Our search team selects and identifies top positions that suit you best. You have access to our excellent national and global client network, as well as to the hidden job market in your field.

Excellence Connections

You have access to our extensive network of experts, who will support your personal and professional development in the long-term and in a targeted manner.

Long Term Strategy (optional)

After you have taken on your new professional role, we will support you for a further 24 months with tailor-made consulting services, that will guide you in the successful development of your career and keep the human factor - with the perspectives "Personality" and "Privacy" - in focus.

Cooperation Partners

We have been able to win top-class partners for one.excellence.leader for you. Regardless of your current position or next development steps, we offer you a comprehensive portfolio that covers all your requirements. We invite you to discover our range of programs and see the possibilities for yourself.

Point of contact

Alexander Schülein

Telephone: +49 711 310 584-32


Stimmpower (Ariane Roth & Astrid Wittenberger) zeigt dem Menschen seine Ausdrucksstärke & sein Stimmpotenzial, sodass er sich mit Klarheit und Leichtigkeit im Gespräch positioniert, überzeugt und gehört wird. Die Stimme, Sprechweise und Ausdruckskraft bewusst einzusetzen, das Auftreten und die Präsenz mit dem Wirkfaktor der Stimme zu vereinen, bildet eine Basis auf allen Ebenen.


Health-Check - Medizin Check und Beratung von Dr. med. Klaus Erpenbach.
Programmauszug: Anhand eines Fragebogens und einer gezielten Blut-Analyse Ihres Stoffwechsels, der Schilddrüsenfunktion sowie der essenziellen und somit lebenswichtigen Mikronährstoffe ist eine Analyse Ihres Gesundheitszustandes und eine Optimierungsempfehlung möglich.

Interkulturelles Management - Diversity & Inclusion - Inclusive Leadership

Mit Wolfgang Jockusch betrachten wir die Vielfalt der Menschen nicht nur als Bereicherung, sondern als Chance. Durch gezielte Techniken des interkulturellen Managements wird die Führungspersönlichkeit für den Umgang mit Partnern und Kollegen aus der ganzen Welt geschult. Die Gestaltung, Förderung und Nutzung der Vielfalt im eigenen Team ist Aufgabe von Inclusive Leadership.

Analogie Musik & Management

Mark Mast - Chefdirigent und Intendant der Bayerischen Philharmonie seit 1993
Auszug: Der Manager reflektiert sein eigenes Führungsverhalten, lernt Analogien zwischen Dirigieren und Führung kennen und leitet neue Handlungsschritte für den eigenen Führungsstil ab.

Meditation & Wanderung auf Mallorca

Gemeinsam mit Astrid Prinzessin zu Stolberg-Wernigerode eine bewusste Auszeit zur Regeneration nehmen. Wandern auf Mallorca bedeutet, die Kombination von Bergen und Meer, Geschichte, Kultur und Natur. Eins werden mit der Natur, den Tieren und den Aromen der Kräuter. Den Alltag hinter sich lassen!

Inspiration aus Leidenschaft

Edgar Itt (Olympionike)
Bestandteile sind die Stärkung der Persönlichkeit. Höchstleistung erzielen! Ein ganzheitliches Coaching umfasst alle Ebenen (emotional, rational, mental, physisch).


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