
Intro: Blog
  • Socially engaged in 2014: Performance, Dedication and Recognition

    August 7, 2014. Last Thursday, the presentation of the "SME Award for Corporate Social Responsibility" in Baden-Württemberg took place in Stuttgart’s New Castle. With the "HAPPY DAY" annual event division one participated in the award. In 2011, division one launched this joint event together with the Children's Center of St. Joseph in Stuttgart. The goal is to get the children and young people who live there in various residential groups out of their everyday life which often is not that easy. For this engagement, division one was awarded with the title "SOCIALLY ENGAGED IN 2014". With 258 applications the SME Award reached a participation record in its eighth year.

  • headhunter

    Headhunting industry: sales growth but tough competition

    For 2014, 75% of recruiters have given positive revenue forecast in Germany. The competition between headhunters, however, has become even harder.The turnaround timeof top management in German companies decreases, which leads to an increasing demand for mandates for headhunters. At the same time,recruiters have determined that candidates are less loyal towards their current employer.


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