
Intro: Blog
  • doctoral degree

    Doctoral degrees are often mere accessories

    Dieter Zetsche and Johannes Teyssen have done it, Kurt Bock and Reinhard Ploss have done it as well: All four chairmen of the DAX companies Daimler, E.ON, BASF and Infineon have obtained a doctorate. Is a doctorate necessary in order to get to the top? The answer is no. Experts differ in their assessments of the career benefits such a title provides. Many take it for a helpful, but not a mandatory career building block and certainly not for an entry ticket into top management positions.

    International corporations also value applicants with an MBA which is comparable to international degrees. However, Björn Knothe, CEO of division one, a recruitment consultancy firm based in Stuttgart, points to an opaque market with more than 10,000 MBA programs worldwide that impart management knowledge in varying degrees of quality. “Companies have difficulties in appraising the quality of the respective degrees. Therefore, the university’s renown serves as a means of orientation,” Knothe points out. As there are so many bearers of titles, companies find it difficult to assess those titles‘ significance altogether.

    (available only in German)

    (Source: Wirtschaftszeitung Baden-Württemberg/ Issue 01/2016 / Stefanie Köhler)

  • Marion Plocher - division one
    Marion Plocher

    Having a Female Boss May be Challenging for some

    The new type of manager is female, and – if you believe the decision-makers in leading companies – very well-liked. Regardless of the statutory women’s quota in supervisory boards of large German corporations, many companies have committed themselves to having a certain percentage of women in leading positions. “If there is a position to be filled, some companies ask for women specifically,” Marion Plocher has noticed, especially in the past two years. She is a partner in the recruitment consultancy firm division one and counsels companies in the automotive industry on personnel matters in executive positions. Read more (available only in German)

    (Source: Stuttgarter Nachrichten/ 13.02.2016 / von Johanna Heckeley)

  • Internationale High Potentials

    division one expert know-how for high potentials

    In his second guest lecture at Pforzheim University  Björn Knothe, CEO of the Stuttgart recruitment agency division one, spoke about application process and interview situations.

    Most of the students have already completed a first degree in their home countries and may already have up to eight years of work experience have. Now they see their future that they want to continue their careers in Germany within the next year. "This is a good thing, because with their linguistic skills and intercultural experiences from their home countries, these high potentials are indispensable for the German labor market of the future, says Knothe".


    MBA Studierende der HS Pforzheim

  • socially committed

    Daily newspaper for pupils

    In our opinion, a good general education is very important for the later professional life. Therefore, we are pleased to support pupils of Staufer-Gymnasium in Waiblingen with a daily local newspaper (Stuttgarter Zeitung).

  • DDIM

    DDIM.regional // Baden-Württemberg

    On Wednesday, November 4th of 2014, the DDIM Regional Event of Baden-Württemberg took place in the Business Club Stuttgart Schloss Solitude. Link to pictures

  • CityGate Stuttgart

    divison one moves to "citygate"

    division one will turn five this year, and we are happy about our new and larger office space.

    Our new "home" is located at the Citygate, an eleven-story, modern and bright building in the heart of downtown Stuttgart. The central location in the proximity of the main train station, an architecturally appealing building that has been certified by the German Sustainable Building Council and a beautiful view of the vineyards are some of the advantages gained.


    We look forward to your personal visit at our new address at Friedrichstrasse 6, 70174 Stuttgart.

  • Socially committed 2015

    division one receives the award "Socially Committed". division one took part in the application process for the annual event "HAPPY DAY". In 2011, together with the St. Joseph's Children's Center in Stuttgart, division one initiated this joint event. The aim is for children and young people who live there in different groups to be removed from their – often very demanding – everyday life. With 276 applications, in its ninth year the SME award again reached a participation record. "We are doing very well and we want give back a little bit," says Björn Knothe, the CEO of the Stuttgart HR consulting firm division one. This is the basic idea behind the annual event HAPPY DAY.

  • Interim Manager private equity

    Interim Managers deployed at PE corporations

    "Interim Management meets Private Equity" – this was the main topic of the event DDIM.regional // Baden-Württemberg, hosted by the parent company Deutsches Interim Management (DDIM) on Wednesday evening in Stuttgart. Despite very summery temperatures beyond the 30 degrees Celsius mark, 50 guests had gathered in the Hall of Mirrors at Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart. Read more


  • temporary deployment

    Temporary deployment

    Generally, Interim Managers fill in when things become precarious in a company. That makes the job exciting but also imponderable.

    Most recently, Willy von Becker was deployed at EHT. The machine tool manufacturer headquartered in Teningen in the Baden region was deep into a crisis. A "tricky case," he says. "For years, the company had been in the restructuring process as well as in the red." In August, Becker began to work there. Three months later, the company was reorganized and sold to the laser specialist Trumpf from Ditzingen.

    Such fire-fighting operations are the norm. "The deployment usually begins immediately and will almost never take place at the place of residence," says Björn Knothe, CEO of the Stuttgart Manager Placement firm division one. "Interim Management is a philosophy of life. Most of them no longer want a line career." Continue reading (available only in German).

    ©SZ 16.05.2015 / Annika Graf, Peter Lessmann, dpa


  • interim management

    Fire Department on the executive floor

    The German Press Agency (dpa) reported on the topic of Interim Managers under the title "Fire Department on the executive floor".

    Such fire-fighting operations are the norm. "The deployment usually begins immediately and will almost never take place at the place of residence," says Björn Knothe, CEO of the Stuttgart Manager Placement firm division one. "Interim Management is a philosophy of life. Most of these managers no longer want a line career." Interim Management is still a relatively young profession. In the mid-90s, when Willy von Becker, who is 51 years of age today, had his first placement as a controller at a medium-sized manufacturing company, nobody knew what to do with it. "Back then, the job description of an Interim Manager did not yet exist and it was difficult to convey this job to others."


    Klick here to read the full report - Example Aachener Zeitung (avalable only in German).

  • interim manager

    The best preparation for a project? Take three weeks of vacation!

    Interview with Dr. Willy von Becker

    As an Interim Manager with 14 years of experience, Dr. Becker was Interim CEO of the EHT Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH from August 2014 to February 2015. Thanks to his efforts, the company was brought back into the profit zone.


    (Source: DDIM Interim Manager Magazin/ 07.04.2015 / by Margit Hermann)


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