
Intro: Blog
  • Wolfgang Clement division one

    The former Super Minister invites to Schloss Solitude for a political tour de force

    "I have the freedom of age to be able to talk about whatever I want to – and I will do so."

    With these words Wolfgang Clement begins his lecture in the impressive setting of Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart. The four organizers Bethmann Bank, DDIM, division one and Kloepfel Consulting invited 120 exclusive guests from business and politics to the Spring Reception. The reception was held as part of the regularly scheduled regional DDIM meeting in Baden-Württemberg.

    Learn more in a report by Klaus Wieschemeyer / Schwäbische Zeitung (available only in German)

    (Source: Schwäbische Zeitung/ 14.03.2015 / from Klaus Wieschemeyer)

  • top headhunter

    Waiblinger finds the right bosses

    Interim Managers are in demand in the global market / Björn Knothe is a much sought after HR consultant.

    Interim Managers are restless creatures. They don’t have an employer; they have clients. These clients send them to companies in order to take over management duties for a certain period of time. One is reminded of George Clooney and his role in the Hollywood blockbuster "Up in the Air". Here, on behalf of company bosses all over the world, the actor is a short-term superior and dismisses employees in exchange for money. He does so totally unmoved by his actions since he doesn’t have any personal attachment to the staff. Björn Knothe knows about this image, but says that it was distorted. He rarely encounters this sort of manager. "Of course, Interim Managers are a special type of person," he determines. "One has to want to be constantly faced with new challenges, having to constantly prove oneself." In the end, an entity does not reward ruthlessness, but the "overall experience" of an Interim Manager.

    (Source: Waiblinger Kreiszeitung/ 04.03.2015 / Issue No. 52 from Uwe Roth)

  • temporary manager

    In demand: Temporary Managers

    The German Press Agency (dpa) reported in its article "In demand: Temporary Managers" about the current market forecast of the parent company Deutsches Interim Management Association (DDIM), which predicts a growth in earnings in the amount of ten percent in 2015. According to the DDIM industry survey, the market volume will rise to 1.5 billion Euros by the end of the year. In 2014, this figure was 1.35 billion Euros. The number of Interim Managers that are placed on first or second management levels will rise to 7,500 in 2015, an increase of more than seven percent compared to the previous year. The DDIM also has placed two entrepreneurs, who hire Interim Managers, with the dpa. Interim Management provider division one, an associate partner of DDIM, essentially supported the assignment.

    Numerous German media have already picked up the press release.

    Klick here to enter the press relase (Example: Weser Kurier).

  • international high potentials

    International high potentials for Germany

    The 40 international MBA degree students at Pforzheim University loved the lecture "How to Apply" by Björn Knothe, CEO of the Stuttgart recruitment agency division one. The international leaders of tomorrow are preparing for the challenges of the German labor market and therefore took the opportunity to obtain information and advice about the application process and the German labor market directly from the experts. "All 40 students who have completed a first degree in their home countries and may already have up to eight years of work experience have replied to my question about where they see their future that they want to continue their careers in Germany within the next year," says Knothe. This is a good thing, because with their linguistic skills and intercultural experiences from their home countries, these high potentials are indispensable for the German labor market of the future.

  • SWR1 Arbeitsplatz

    SWR 1 workstation – division one interview

    Interim Management at the “SWR 1 workstation“ show (Björn Knothe / CEO division one, Helmuth Raschke / Interim Manager and Stefan Gimber / authorized officer ADMEDES Schuessler GmbH in conversation).


  • shortage of skilled workers

    Shortage of skilled workers? Blame yourself!

    For the same position, one company hires its perfect employee; the other company keeps looking unsuccessfully. The origin of this dilemma doesn't lie in a tough job market but rather in their own mistakes. And those mistakes are usually based on an outdated self-image. Flexibility is another topic that leads to crucial mistakes. "Many people are no longer willing to relocate for a job with the whole family and therefore want to spend a day working in a home office. For companies, this still is something difficult to do," says Knothe, CEO of the recruitment agency division one.


    (Source: Wirtschaftsmagazin econo/ Nr. 23/2014 / Michael Hölle)

  • socially committed

    Time to make friends

    "We're doing very well, which is why we want to give back to others."

    Because of this thought, the idea arose to offer often severely disadvantaged children and young people a great joint activity in order to get them out of their familiar and often difficult environment and give them an unusual experience. Since 2011, the entire division one company as well as children and young people of St. Joseph in Stuttgart have taken part in joint sports activities every year. In recent years, at our common HAPPY DAY, we went on ventures such as canoeing on the river Neckar, forest climbing, raft building on a lake, a GPS scavenger hunt and a visit to the production facilities of Porsche.

  • They pull off their job

    They pull off their job

    Interim Management – to temporarily help run businesses – is a growth area. Especially for Baden Württemberg, with its diverse business landscape, that is the case. According to Björn Knothe, head of recruitment agency division one, foreign service providers have discovered the market and are racing to take advantage.

    (Source: Wirtschaft in Baden-Württemberg / 3 / 2014 / Walther Rosenberger)

  • Equip yourself for change

    Equip yourself for change

    Interim Management is booming. This was shown at the largest industry event, the International Interim Management Meeting 2014 in Dusseldorf. The event under the theme "Equip yourself for change!" celebrated a new participants' record. Prior to the event, the members of the parent company Deutsches Interim Management Association elected a new board. Dr. Marei Strack was confirmed as chairman.

  • He came, just to leave again

    He came, just to leave again

    Where to turn if you don’t know what to do? Interim Management is booming – not only in times of crisis. Helmuth Raschke is a temporary manager. For 15 years, he has moved through the country from company to company.

    (Source: Wirtschaftsmagazin econo/ 22/2014 / Michael Hölle)

  • csr corporate social responsibility

    HAPPY DAY 2014 division one and St Josef on a Team Walk

    September 19, 2014 - Last Friday, for the fourth time the annual HAPPY DAY took place. A total of 35 children and young people from the Children’s Home St. Joseph in Stuttgart together with their caregivers and division one employees navigated around the Max-Eyth Lake in a GPS scavenger hunt. In 2011, division one launched this joint event together with the children's center of St. Joseph in Stuttgart. The goal is to get the children and young people who live there in various residential groups out of their everyday life which often is not that easy.


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