
Intro: Blog

    division one, one of the leading personnel consultancies for executive search and interim management in Germany, watches the technological evolution carefully and intensively tests digital tools during recruitment. The experts are convinced that particularly filling positions on the top level will stay a people business. Christoph Stichel, managing director of division one, talks about the potential of these tools, and explains at what point in executive search their application makes sense.

  • headhunter

    Those who resign are traitors

    Those who resign are traitors. This attitude still prevails in some companies and targets employees who quit their jobs. The reasons for splitting up, however, usually differ a lot …

    Once an experienced employee resigns, an executive or a partner generally steps in to gain detailed insights into the reasons for the resignation. “In our company, there is no special program for this,” BMW manager Jela Götting says. Björn Knothe, personnel consultant and CEO of division one, explains such resignations as follows: “A connection usually exists via social networks such as Xing or Linked-In.” However, if the exit management, a term used by personnel specialists to refer to contact management, is professionally conducted during the resignation process, chances of a later continuation of the cooperation with a former employer rise. Especially during times of near full employment, the necessity to lure deserved employees back to the company after several years may arise. “If the farewell was altogether pleasant, the chances for this are certainly increased,” Knothe says.

    Source: F.A.Z. / 11.07.2017/ "Offene Türen für Rückkehrer" von Oliver Schmale)

  • top 10 executive search firms

    WE belong to the top 10 of leading executive search consulting firms

    division one ranks among the top 10 of leading executive search consulting firms in Germany. This is what the news magazine FOCUS found out in a poll conducted with the social network Xing as well as the company Statista among 1.300 HR executives of German companies. division one has already been elected into FOCUS-Business’ TOP list for the fourth time in a row.

    Only those companies were added to the selection of top executive search consulting firms which achieved exceptional customer ratings in the following categories: quality of candidate selection, service quality and price-performance ratio. This selection shows that we are on the right track with our approach and commitment to highest quality in national and international mandates. This award spurs us on to consistently improving our services for you in the years to come.


  • Headhunter of the year


    division one has been nominated for the award “Headhunter of the Year.” In the supreme discipline, executive search, division one has been rated among the top 6 of personnel consulting firms in Germany. A high-class expert jury with representatives from the media, the economy, science and organizations evaluated all submissions by personnel consulting firms. The award ceremony takes place on June 1, 2017, in the Bayerischer Hof (Munich) in the context of a festive evening gala with ensuing afterparty.

    The award "Headhunter of the Year" is presented for excellence in the following categories: candidate experience, client experience, best newcomer as well as for the supreme discipline ‘executive search.’ Personnel recruitment firms with a registered office in Germany were able to apply. The award is intended to acknowledge selected personnel consultancy firms’ high quality and professionality, to showcase the pioneers and to facilitate innovations within the personnel consulting industry.


  • Interim Manager

    To be your own boss, and yet live like a nomad.

    To be your own boss, and yet live like a nomad. To face existential fear, and yet be able to be picky at times. To have to prove yourself regularly, and yet work for attractive daily rates. 

    A top manager of the company drops out overnight. How to react? Important ongoing projects need to be concluded soon, and there is no one in the company who has the necessary know-how or the needed resources. In such cases, interim managers offer the assistance to bridge the gap. Those, however, who think that an emergency is the only situation when to take on specialists on a temporary basis are quite mistaken. Although many interim managers have specialized in tackling restructuring projects and emergency situations, their assistance in reaching project goals that add value or increase productivity should not be underestimated.

    Of course, an interim manager is a special kind of person. You have to enjoy continually hopping from project to project, always having to face new challenges, and needing to prove yourself regularly. As an interim manager, you need to exhibit an entrepreneurial mindset, you need to be decisive, prepared to take risks and you should always be on the lookout for new challenges.


    Source: INTERIM MANAGEMENT MAGAZIN / 01-2017/ "Von der Festanstellung zum HR-Interim-Manager" von Björn Knothe)

  • Interim Manager - Gefragte Nomaden

    Interim Managers – Sought-after Nomads

    The interim manager is a special kind of person who enjoys moving from project to project, constantly asserting himself/herself. Those interested in this profession should have an entrepreneurial mindset and should, furthermore, possess characteristics such as decisiveness, readiness to assume risk and a constant interest in facing up to new challenges.   Most   of   division one’s candidates are interim managers with many years of experience on the executive level. They are usually in their fourties to early sixties. Interim managers are as stress resistant and as much on the move as nomads.   Interim management is a way of life. Taking this path is a deliberate decision against an occupational career.

    Source: personalmagazin / 01-2017 / from Björn Knothe)

  • Why quit? Interim Managers Past the Age of 67

    Rob Spaans is 67 years old. While many fellow managers of his age enjoy retirement on the golf course or in a sailing boat, the Dutchman takes care of the maritime and air transportation business of ITG, a German transport company. At the company locations in Amsterdam-Schiphol and Rotterdam, Mr. Spaans bears the responsibility for 70 employees. In many companies, however, a manager’s career usually ends at the age of 60. Is Spaans unable to let go? "Why should he do that?" Björn Knothe, CEO of division one, a recruitment provider from Stuttgart, Germany, asks. “Today, many executives past 60 are in a good physical shape and possess a maximum of experience,” Knothe explains. Michael Lanik can acknowledge this. Mr. Lanik is an interim manager of 68 years who also cooperates with division one. At the moment, he acts as the CRO of a medium-sized mechanical engineering company.

    (Source: IHK Magazin / November / from Walter Beck)

  • Interim Manager

    Interim Managers – No Thought Wasted on Retirement

    Retiring at the age of 63 is currently inconceivable for many. Today, Michal Lanik has turned 68. However, he is still working as a restructuring specialist and interim manager every day. The well-experienced manager and CRO cooperates with division one, a recruitment provider from Stuttgart, Germany. At the moment, Mr. Lanik is involved in a restructuring project at a mechanical engineering company. “I usually know many of the situations that may arise in a company,” Lanik says. “Most of the time, I know after the first meeting which direction to steer in. In such cases, expertise is important, but usually falls short.” Rob Spaans, 67 years old, is another interim manager who does not yet waste any thought on retiring. Read more (available only in German).


  • socially committed

    Socially committed 2016

    division one receives the award "Socially Committed". division one took part in the application process for the annual event "HAPPY DAY". In 2011, together with the St. Joseph's Children's Center in Stuttgart, division one initiated this joint event. The aim is for children and young people who live there in different groups to be removed from their – often very demanding – everyday life. With 307 applications, in its tenth year the SME award again reached a new participation record. "We are doing very well and we want give back a little bit," says Björn Knothe, the CEO of the Stuttgart HR consulting firm division one. This is the basic idea behind the annual event HAPPY DAY.



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